Homemade Cherry Almond Ice Cream
I know I don’t need to tell you summer has its hot breath on us. Well unless maybe you live in the Yukon! Here in Southwest Oklahoma it’s hot and the forecast is for more hot. I told Shannon there were two things I remembered about summer growing up: hot afternoons and cold homemade ice cream.
I think everyone in town had an ice cream maker. On Mama’s old crank-style maker, one kid would have to sit on top while another one cranked on it. Vanilla was the staple blend most of the time, but we decided to change it up a bit and created a concoction that will chill them taste buds with a little creamy almond flavor with chunks of cherry. Now it’s time to get to crankin’ or break out the new fangled electric ice cream maker and let’s share some goodness!
Cherry Almond Ice Cream
- 4 eggs
- 2 cups ½sugar
- 2 pints heavy whipping cream
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon almond extract
- 2 cups pitted and coarsely chopped dark sweet cherries
- ¾ cup sliced almonds
- milk
- Ice
- Rock Salt
- From your electric or crank ice cream maker, place the canister in the icebox and chill for about 30 minutes.
- Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl beat the eggs well. Whisk in the sugar until thickened and smooth.
- Whisk in the cream, vanilla and almond extracts.
- Stir in the cherries and then almonds.
- Pour the mixture into the chilled canister. Pour in enough milk until it reaches the “Fill Line” of your 1 gallon canister.
- Put the canister in the freezer bucket and alternate layers of ice and rock salt between the canister and bucket until it reaches close to the top.
- Plug in or crack for about 30 minutes or until motor stops and ice cream is thick. Remove the dasher and seal the canister. Drain the water off of the ice and repack the freezer bucket with more ice and salt. Allow to set for about 1 hour to harden.